Elite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the Tzaangor Enlightened are truly blessed with the favour of Tzeentch. They wield o...Meer
Elite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the ...
Wildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic cannot be controlled by anything with even a shred of sanity. Luckily, the Ironjawz d...Meer
Wildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic canno...
The spiritual leaders of their Chapters, Chaplains are awe-inspiring warrior priests who administer rites, preserve rituals and perform ancient ceremo...Meer
The spiritual leaders of their Chapters, Chaplains are awe-inspiring w...
Like a hungry predator on the prowl, the Hammerhead Gunship is a menacing sight. It skims over a planets surface with its massive turret-mounted gun s...Meer
Like a hungry predator on the prowl, the Hammerhead Gunship is a menac...
Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed...Meer
Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulat...