Some vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursuit, and those determined to become peerless warriors invariably end up among the...Meer
Some vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursu...
Bedecked in rusting weapons and wearing the fading scraps of once-proud armour, Deathrattle Skeletons are the unflinching core of many a Soulblight va...Meer
Bedecked in rusting weapons and wearing the fading scraps of once-prou...
Armed and armoured with the kingdoms finest equipment, the Grave Guard are the elite warriors of tomb and barrow. They carry cursed blades woven throu...Meer
Armed and armoured with the kingdoms finest equipment, the Grave Guard...
Unleash Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia, and her loyal menagerie onto the battlefield. Start your own Scions of Nulahmia army of renown, or grow an existing ...Meer
Unleash Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia, and her loyal menagerie onto the bat...
Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal ra...Meer
Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, t...
Grotesque monsters that prey upon the blood of the unfortunate souls they catch, Fell Bats are an amalgamation of deathly magics and the Soulblight cu...Meer
Grotesque monsters that prey upon the blood of the unfortunate souls t...
A handy set of 49 cards to help you play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Reference cards for army rules, and warscroll cards for your Soulblight Gra...Meer
A handy set of 49 cards to help you play games of Warhammer Age of Sig...