The Emperor's Champion is a humble warrior plucked out of the ranks of the Black Templars by the divine will of the Emperor himself. The furious blows...Meer
The Emperor's Champion is a humble warrior plucked out of the ranks of...
An indomitable Chaplain sworn to hunt down psykers and heretics, accompanied by relic-bearing Cenobyte Servitors. A unique HQ choice for the Black Tem...Meer
An indomitable Chaplain sworn to hunt down psykers and heretics, accom...
The Black Templars are the Adeptus Astartes' most zealous Chapter, charging into battle to meet their foes face-to-face and deliver the Emperor's just...Meer
The Black Templars are the Adeptus Astartes' most zealous Chapter, cha...
A terrifying and awe-inspiring HQ choice to lead your Black Templars army. A peerless warrior who wields the Sword of the High Marshals and the combi-...Meer
A terrifying and awe-inspiring HQ choice to lead your Black Templars a...
Black Templar Castellans function as Lieutenants for this esoteric successor Chapter. Acting as the right hand of their Marshal, they help direct thei...Meer
Black Templar Castellans function as Lieutenants for this esoteric suc...
Leading their Black Templars brethren from the front lines, Marshals exemplify the strength and skill of the warriors under their command. They are pa...Meer
Leading their Black Templars brethren from the front lines, Marshals e...
Every Sword Brother has earned their place among the Marshal's household through acts of unswerving faith and spectacular violence. On the battlefield...Meer
Every Sword Brother has earned their place among the Marshal's househo...
Infused with the post-human might of the Primaris miracle, these Crusader Squads storm into battle with bolt rifles blazing and Astartes chainswords h...Meer
Infused with the post-human might of the Primaris miracle, these Crusa...