The intrepid Galen and Doralia ven Denst continue their adventures – the father and daughter return from a taxing mission, seeking solace in the mys...Meer
The intrepid Galen and Doralia ven Denst continue their adventures –...
Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, tracks a mighty beast through Ghur. Is the bigger threat the kraken, or Yndrasta herself? Written by Noah Van Nguyen.Meer
Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, tracks a mighty beast through Ghur. Is ...
An action-packed Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel. Vandus Hammerhand leads the Hammers of Sigmar to confront an old foe, but will they live up to their s...Meer
An action-packed Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel. Vandus Hammerhand lead...
Contains 13 stories from across the Mortal Realms. Dive into the rich narrative of Warhammer Age of SIgmar with these exciting and intriguing tales. A...Meer
Contains 13 stories from across the Mortal Realms. Dive into the rich ...
An action-packed Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel, featuring Zothar Athrabis. Explore the realm of Shyish, where the living and the dead walk side by sid...Meer
An action-packed Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel, featuring Zothar Athra...
A Lumineth Realm-lords novel. The Lumineth guarding Nagash’s tomb face the Idoneth Deepkin, who seek to claim the power inside for themselves. Writt...Meer
A Lumineth Realm-lords novel. The Lumineth guarding Nagash’s tomb fa...
Lord Commander Primus Eidolon has claimed many titles along the annals of his infamy. He is the Exemplar and the Risen, the Soul-Severed, and the Auri...Meer
Lord Commander Primus Eidolon has claimed many titles along the annals...
Gryphonne IV is dead – one of the mightiest forge worlds in the arsenal of the Adeptus Mechanicus, succumbed to the relentless hunger of Hive Fleet ...Meer
Gryphonne IV is dead – one of the mightiest forge worlds in the arse...