The most ancient and powerful of all the slann Relic Priests, Lord Kroak has cast a watchful gaze over the Seraphon's realms since time immemorial.Meer
The most ancient and powerful of all the slann Relic Priests, Lord Kro...
Deep in the city of Excelsis lie several wards sealed off on pain of death, areas forever blighted by Tzeentchian sorceries left in the wake of the tr...Meer
Deep in the city of Excelsis lie several wards sealed off on pain of d...
Celestian Sacresants are those elite members of the Adepta Sororitas who have departed the life of a bodyguard for their Canoness, instead questing ac...Meer
Celestian Sacresants are those elite members of the Adepta Sororitas w...
While most members of the elite Celestian Order take to the battlefield on foot, a privileged few are afforded the honour of making war in mighty Para...Meer
While most members of the elite Celestian Order take to the battlefiel...
The Sister Dogmata is a figure revered and feared in equal measure within her order, as only she has the authority to condemn a Battle Sister to the r...Meer
The Sister Dogmata is a figure revered and feared in equal measure wit...
As experienced commanders and skilled combatants both, Palatines act as lieutenants to their respective Canoness, helping to direct the firepower of t...Meer
As experienced commanders and skilled combatants both, Palatines act a...
The Redemptionist sect believes that Humanity has fallen from the path of righteousness decreed by the God-Emperor and that the sins of Mankind will d...Meer
The Redemptionist sect believes that Humanity has fallen from the path...
Rohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, and many watchtowers and small forts have been erected across the Riddermark to w...Meer
Rohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, a...