Ork Meks are responsible for creating the most destructive weapons an Ork can lay his big green hands on. Whether it is the surprisingly sophisticated...Meer
Ork Meks are responsible for creating the most destructive weapons an ...
A Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equal measure. Swollen with muscle, he lumbers into the midst of the foe swinging hi...Meer
A Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equa...
Equipped with the latest XV25 Stealth Armour these troops are the 'lone wolves' of the T'au army, operating independently of other formations.This box...Meer
Equipped with the latest XV25 Stealth Armour these troops are the 'lon...
Cairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they lack physical form, their touch drains the life of a mortal. Their very presenc...Meer
Cairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they...
Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest h...Meer
Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the I...
Masters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visionary of a craftworld's advisors. Even in battle they can perform their divinations...Meer
Masters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visiona...
Designed to complement the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, this box of 52 highly detailed Citadel plastic round bases contains three different sizes,...Meer
Designed to complement the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, this box o...
When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s...Meer
When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the K...
Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple and fast. Each Contrast paint, when applied over a light Contrast undercoat, gi...Meer
Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple...
One of the few deities worshipped by the sylvaneth alongside Alarielle, Kurnoth represents natures wildness and hunger. The Kurnoth Hunters are living...Meer
One of the few deities worshipped by the sylvaneth alongside Alarielle...
Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion gameboard, these awesome, highly detailed plastic bases are ideal for the sma...Meer
Designed to match and complement the Realm of Battle: Shattered Domini...