Mutated beyond their mortal forms, the Glottkin rank as the mightiest champions of Nurgle. They combine the darkest sorcery, the most virulent plagues...Meer
Mutated beyond their mortal forms, the Glottkin rank as the mightiest ...
Literally filled with the Motive Force, the Corpuscarii spread the blessing of illumination in the name of the Machine God. Blazing with lightning, el...Meer
Literally filled with the Motive Force, the Corpuscarii spread the ble...
Centurion Devastator Squads are long-range specialists who pound enemy positions with salvos of heavy weapons fire. They are primarily employed to bes...Meer
Centurion Devastator Squads are long-range specialists who pound enemy...
Namarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin phalanxes. The Akhelians recognise the need for reconnaisance, picket forces an...Meer
Namarti Reavers provide the archers and scouts for the Idoneth Deepkin...
Squads of Vertus Praetors swoop into battle astride powerful Dawneagle jetbikes. Veteran warriors who have seen conflict on a hundred worlds, these Cu...Meer
Squads of Vertus Praetors swoop into battle astride powerful Dawneagle...
Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy the luminescent Pink Horrors whirl and flail their arms, generating raw magic that fills the air. En masse, the...Meer
Gibbering nonsense with lunatic energy the luminescent Pink Horrors wh...
Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest h...Meer
Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the I...
Masters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visionary of a craftworld's advisors. Even in battle they can perform their divinations...Meer
Masters of prediction, the Farseers are the strangest and most visiona...
The Grey Knights are the most mysterious of all the Imperium's many organisations and Grey Knight Strike Squads often form the vanguard of an assault....Meer
The Grey Knights are the most mysterious of all the Imperium's many or...
The rotting bowels of the Great Unclean Ones swell with pus and contagion, and within each such swelling there grows a tiny and malevolent Daemon call...Meer
The rotting bowels of the Great Unclean Ones swell with pus and contag...