Glazing your models is a great way to add extra colour definition to a completed paint job, and to avoid any messy corrections we've designed the Cita...Meer
Glazing your models is a great way to add extra colour definition to a...
As many commanders of the Astra Militarum may know, getting an entire column of vehicles ready for the battlefield can be a daunting task, but it need...Meer
As many commanders of the Astra Militarum may know, getting an entire ...
Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple and fast. Each Contrast paint, when applied over a light Contrast undercoat, gi...Meer
Contrast is a revolutionary paint that makes beautiful painting simple...
Plagueburst Crawlers are lumbering, formidable siege tanks whose huge ram-blades, thick armour plating and daemonic energies provide them with incredi...Meer
Plagueburst Crawlers are lumbering, formidable siege tanks whose huge ...
The Skorpius Disintegrator of the Adeptus Mechanicus drifts gracefully across the dunes, its anti-grav motors thrumming quietly in stark contrast to i...Meer
The Skorpius Disintegrator of the Adeptus Mechanicus drifts gracefully...
The wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably linked with those of the human tribes that share their ice-bound world. It is c...Meer
The wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably...