Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruination chambers' warriors as they once were, before the nightmare of the flaw and th...More
Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruinati...
Stormstrike Palladors are the hard-hitting cavalry of the Warrior chambers. They are outfitted to administer a devastating charge and to engage in ext...More
Stormstrike Palladors are the hard-hitting cavalry of the Warrior cham...
he Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty Stormcast Eternals have battled against the forces of evil. Yet now they face th...More
he Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty ...
Nightmarish flying cavalry for Flesh-eater Courts armies. Builds three Morbheg Knights, mounted atop bat-like nightshriekers. Swoop down on foes, para...More
Nightmarish flying cavalry for Flesh-eater Courts armies. Builds three...