Chaos Knights ride at the forefront of any ruinous host, and their coming heralds the death of empires. These dreaded champions charge into the deadli...More
Chaos Knights ride at the forefront of any ruinous host, and their com...
Chaos Chosen are elite devotees of the Ruinous Powers, champions who have garnered enough dark rewards to stand above their brethren. Armed with wicke...More
Chaos Chosen are elite devotees of the Ruinous Powers, champions who h...
Ogroid Theridons serve as fearsome shock troops to the armies of Chaos, found wherever the fighting is thickest, carving swathes of ruin through the e...More
Ogroid Theridons serve as fearsome shock troops to the armies of Chaos...
Karkadraks are monstrous lizard-beasts clad in thick scales, whose destructive rampages are almost impossible to stop. Only the strongest Chaos Lords ...More
Karkadraks are monstrous lizard-beasts clad in thick scales, whose des...
The Slaves to Darkness march across the Mortal Realms in the names of Archaon Everchosen, Be'lakor the Dark Master, and the Gods of Chaos themselves, ...More
The Slaves to Darkness march across the Mortal Realms in the names of ...