Following his victory over the Balrog, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth to see his task completed. Stripping Saruman of his power as Lord of the Istar...More
Following his victory over the Balrog, Gandalf returned to Middle-eart...
This set contains the King of the Dead and two of his lieutenants, Heralds of the Dead. Each of these three Heroes can lead a warband of the Dead of D...More
This set contains the King of the Dead and two of his lieutenants, Her...
Thorin's Company is a remarkably detailed collection of Dwarves – Thorin Oakenshield, Balin the Dwarf, Dori the Dwarf, Oin the Dwarf, Gloin the Dwar...More
Thorin's Company is a remarkably detailed collection of Dwarves – Th...